Oz Code Academy

Explorer years 4-6

With an emphasis on creativity, conceptual thinking and problem solving, kids will use higher level Scratch and other block-based coding programs to develop games and animation, using tools such as Construct 3, App Inventor and CoSpaces to build and animate  simple games and mobile apps applying the concepts of block coding.

Students will then progress to line coding with Python, designing web pages using HTML/CSS and learning the basics of Java Script.
The face to face program will also include age-appropriate robotics using the BBC Micro: bit which is a pocket-sized, fully programmable, single board computer and programming the Mbot.

Learning Outcomes

What you need

Booking Details


Starting  10 Feb 2025 (8 classes)


face to face  – School Library, Majura Primary, Knox Street, Watson


3.15 – 4.30 pm


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