Oz Code Academy

Explorer Age 9 - 11

Learning Outcomes

With an emphasis on creativity, conceptual thinking, and problem solving, kids will use higher-level block-based coding programs to develop games, 3D animation, and mobile app development. Students will then progress to more sophisticated game development, mobile app development, and basics of AI, with gradual exposure to JavaScript through block coding.
The program will also include age-appropriate robotics using the BBC Micro: bits which is a pocket-sized, fully programmable, single board computer, learning about the Arduino micro controller using components such as LEDs, switches, resistors, buzzers etc.and writing code in C++ to generate input and output results.  Students also learn how to code and control the Mbot robot and the EV3 Mindstorm.

What you need

Booking Details


8 Feb – 5 April 2025  (9 weeks)


Face to face

Harrison Primary, Technology Lab


Every Saturday 4.30 – 6pm



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